
Take 2

I am getting up the courage to do the 30x30 remix challenge again! It starts Feburary 1st. Last time I sorta crashed and burned well not really that bad... My closet and I had a big disagreement and my closet won. I caved in and wore something that wasn't on the list.

I don't really know why it was difficult for me.. I mean I pretty much remix my stuff all the time, I don't have tons of clothes to work with. Maybe it was nerves and a lot of second guessing everything. I think I siked myself out by comparing my stuff with the stuff of other bloggers. But this time around, I know I can do it! I can't compare myself to anyone else, Just be ME! and instead I can look to these girls for some inspiration : )

I'm using some of Kendi's tips, like putting a couple of outfits together in the beginning of the week a big one for me and making a list of different ways I can wear each item.

 I am excited and feel well prepared this time! I can't wait to get started!!

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I found your blog from the 30 for 30 challenge. I really like the name of your blog ;)

    This is my first time doing the challenge, and I don't have a large wardrobe either but I'm really excited to try! Good luck to you!


Thanks so much for leaving me some love!! = )

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