
Making that money

Shirt Forever21 Jeans Charlotte Russe Flats Spring
Hair: all mine!*

*Everyone I know personally has been asking if this is all my hair. It used to be really short and I wore clip-in extensions all the time..so now everyone still thinks I wear them. Even my dad asked! It's finally all me. lol

Back to other stuff going on.. I've been doing a lot of shopping. I probably shouldn't but it makes me happy and I seriously need more clothes. Even though I'm doin a lot of shopping, I'm making sure I'm buying stuff that I'm actually going to wear and be able to remix into other outfits. I bought a dress last week and told Josh "look I can wear it as a dress, shirt, AND a skirt!!" So it's smart shopping! right?!

I also been reading a lot of fashion DIY blogs and they've inspired me to re-do some old stuff I have laying around. Nothing huge cause I kinda suck with the sewing machine, but just stuff to amp-up all the plain t-shirts I have. Like this re-style project that Kiera did. I'm already thinking of all the plain t-shirts I have and different things I can paint on them, I can't wait to try it!

*yup I'm taking outfit pictures and blogging at work. I just straighten my hair here too! I have to work all day today {7am-7pm} I might as well get some other stuff done too! lol


  1. Cute outfit. I love the shirt and shoes. :)

    And of course you're shopping smart! It's much better than buying something and realizing how little you can remix it.

  2. i loved that restyle too. and shopping! and your oxfords, i want some!! :)



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