
Butterfly Suprise

Zara Jacket, Shirt-got while in Montreal, H&M Jeans, Bakers Boots (borrowed from my sister)

It's probably a big no-no to wear the same jeans in two outfit post back to back, especially bright red stand out jeans. But.. I like them so oh well. In my defense, I wore the blue & red outfit last Friday, and wore this outfit yesterday. So it's not like I wore them two days in a row : )

This is one of my favorite shirts. The front is a normal black shirt, then once you turn around, it's like Surprise! LOL 


  1. Wow, that blouse is gorgeous!

  2. So brave in those pants! They look great. And I wore blue almost every day this week so hopefully we both get a pass on the no-no's. *good luck with the white shirt!

  3. Even if you do wear them two days in row who cares. I don't think we will like you less if you have an obsession with a clothing article. Now if you wear it to bed as well then line gets gray, ha ha.
    That top really is cool. I had no idea it was coming!


Thanks so much for leaving me some love!! = )

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